dBEL.Architect: Calculate Acoustics like a Specialist Planner. Just Easier.

dBEL.Architect empowers you to conduct acoustic calculations with the precision of a specialist planner. Based on scientific data and a global geomodel for pinpointing noise sources, this intuitive cloud application offers a comprehensive approach for efficient planning.

Gain planning certainty, save time, win competitions.

Stand out from the competition: With dBEL.Architect, you'll identify critical situations early and seamlessly integrate them into your ongoing plans. This ensures more creative freedom, faster collaboration with specialist planners, better cost control, and ultimately leads to satisfied clients.

Gain planning certainty, save time, win competitions.

Stand out from the competition: With dBEL.Architect, you'll identify critical situations early and seamlessly integrate them into your ongoing plans. This ensures more creative freedom, faster collaboration with specialist planners, better cost control, and ultimately leads to satisfied clients.

Fast and reliable planning in the initial project phases.

Project phase 0 – 2

Noise maps created within minutes:

  • convince clients of budget allocation and distribution.
  • serve as a visual basis for discussions with residents, clients, and policymakers.
  • guarantee customized competition proposals, enhancing their chances of success.

Project phase 3 – 5

Solid data of your project:

  • provide you with creative latitude in fine-tuning with specialist planners.
  • ensure cost and schedule certainty through improved planning.
  • offer you the opportunity to regularly and independently assess your project.

Functions and features of dBEL.Architect:

Professional acoustic planning
Create pleasant acoustics for any spatial design with just a few clicks – even without the assistance of a building physicist.

Scientific data
A knowledge-based system developed by specialists from the Wölfel-Group enables valid noise analyses – even without acoustic expertise.


Solutions for acoustic conflicts
dBEL.Architect identifies approval-relevant or quality-related acoustic conflicts and suggests specific measures.

Cloud platform
A global geomodel locates construction projects and places them in the context of surrounding noise sources, such as traffic and industry.

Acoustic forecasting with dBEL.Architect couldn't be simpler.

It only takes 4 steps and 5 minutes to make a forecast. Choose your question:

1. Determining project environment

Using a map interface similar to those found in navigation programs, you navigate to your project area by entering an address. However, there is more to it than just the map view: In the background, dBEL.Architect is already loading all acoustic and building data from our geomodel.

In combination with our algorithms, which incorporate decades of experience from our professionals in sound calculation, the basis for your forecast is established.

2. Defining project building

Combine the map with your construction project: Planned buildings are easily outlined with just a few clicks or directly imported using plan files, and then provided with the corresponding parameters.

Now, all basic requirements for the calculation are created.

3. Obtaining a noise map and deriving measures

After adding additional sound sources, such as building services or groups of people, dBEL.Architect swiftly generates a reliable noise map within seconds. This immediately reveals the extent to which your project is affected by sound emissions in different areas.

Building on this, you can plan effective noise protection measures early and cost-effectively, or derive important usage concepts for the building interior from the noise exposure.

4. Predicting approvability

Answering the reverse question is equally straightforward: How much noise does your project ultimately generate in its surroundings?

Using various parameters, dBEL.Architect calculates the noise emissions of your project on its surroundings and indicates where exceedances of reference values, such as those defined by ISO9613 or regarding the TA Noise, can be expected.

1. Determining room properties

With just a few clicks, you can enter the dimensions and material properties of the spatial boundary surfaces. Non-cubic rooms can also be predicted.

dBEL.Architect uses this data to determine the reverberation time in an empty room (red line). This is the most important parameter for user-friendly, comfortable acoustics.

2. Defining room usage

What constitutes an appropriate reverberation time largely depends on the type of room usage – a seminar room requires different characteristics than a single office or a corridor.

After selecting the specific type of usage, the acoustic spectrum (green area) is displayed, within which occupants feel comfortable. Typically, there is still a significant difference between the reverberation time in the empty space and the desired spectrum.

3. Specifying usage conditions

Incorporate the typical number of occupants and the room's furnishings – this will provide a closer approximation of the actual reverberation time.

dBEL.Architect predicts the specific reverberation time as the blue line based on room properties, usage type, and conditions, while simultaneously verifying compliance with DIN 18041 (acoustic quality in rooms)

4. Receiving recommendations

How much absorption is necessary to achieve a pleasant reverberation time? With just a few parameters, you determine the amount of surface area and types of absorbers on ceilings and walls that help achieve comfortable acoustics.

With the assistance of dBEL.Architect, you now have a good understanding of the acoustic challenges and potential solutions in a very early project phase.

Try it out for yourself now

With just a few clicks, you can set up your dBEL user account and begin your first project immediately. We're offering you 30 days for an extensive and non-binding trial with full functionality.

Test for free for 30 days.
Afterward, it's € 50 per month.
Cancel monthly with no automatic switch to a paid subscription.

Use with the whole team at no extra charge

Ready to go in just a few minutes

Developed with and for architecture offices

These companies are already using dBEL.Architect:



Your Acoustic Tasks Fall on Sympathetic Ears with Us.

My name is Janosch Blaul, COO of dBEL. I'm here to walk you through the many opportunities dBEL offers and to highlight the unique benefits it can bring to your company.

Your Acoustic Tasks Fall on Sympathetic Ears with Us.

My name is Janosch Blaul, COO of dBEL. I'm here to walk you through the many opportunities dBEL offers and to highlight the unique benefits it can bring to your company.